Mail, Mcafee, APWG, CMU, ST Benard, Mozilla, Kaspersky, Firetrust, Officer Blue, Finra, Message Level, SURBL, Career Builder, Site Truth, Avira, C-SIRT and by PhishTank SiteChecker.
And Career Builder, a site owned by several big newspaper chains, stayed constant, at 14 percent of industry revenue.
Career Builder's ad, showing people dressed too casually for "Casual Friday" and a Dockers ad to promote a free pair of their pants with men in shirts but sans trousers aired back-to-back early in the second quarter.
Career Builder, owned by the Tribune Company and by Knight Ridder Inc., acquired in November for $200 million.
The career area on the Yahoo Web site is currently done in partnership with Career Builder, but Mr. Semel said he would prefer to control the entire business.
The majority of job and resume boards (Monster, Hotjobs, Career Builder) have partnerships with ATS software providers to provide parsing support and ease of data migration from one system to another.
By contrast, through Career Builder, an online recruitment service that it owns with Knight Ridder, the interactive division of the Tribune brought in 40 percent more job-recruitment advertising revenue than in the same period in 2001.
Career Builder "Tips"
In 2010, Chris Corradino Photography LLC was featured in Entrepreneur magazine, Career Builder, and ABC News.