Many who come are Caribbean immigrants for whom the crowded market is a taste of home.
Although crime is down, many neighborhood residents - mostly African-American or Caribbean immigrants - prefer to stay in the yards of their small single-family homes.
The earliest Caribbean immigrants to post-war Britain found differences in diet and availability of food an uncomfortable challenge.
But he could not find it in his Brooklyn neighborhood, where, unlike him, most Caribbean immigrants were of African descent.
Some Asian and Caribbean immigrants raise money for their businesses through so-called lending circles.
Black Caribbean immigrants were particularly targeted in these disturbances.
Many residents, especially Caribbean immigrants, say they see a pattern of rudeness, rough treatment and abuse against black residents, particularly from the largely white police force.
Coventry's large industrial base made it attractive to the wave of Asian and Caribbean immigrants who arrived from Commonwealth colonies after 1948.
The residents, many of them Caribbean immigrants, pay rents from $400 to $750 for a one-bedroom apartment.
Many of the owners, drivers and passengers are Caribbean immigrants.