Carlton Hill, a company spokeswoman, declined to discuss the rumors but said BellSouth had not been actively expanding its financial services operations.
He is also commemorated with a plaque at his London home, 92 Carlton Hill, Westminster.
Carlton Hill stands on high ground immediately east of the centre of Brighton.
The main road through the area runs from west to east and is also called Carlton Hill.
Early in its development, Carlton Hill was provided with an Anglican church.
At that point, the nearby drawbridge was permanently swung open and later removed, leaving a branch to Carlton Hill.
The main line crossed through Carlton Hill on two tracks, separated by inter-track fencing.
During the morning commuter rush, Carlton Hill was full of commuters heading for New York City.
Later, the railroad opened a station closer to the river, at Carlton Hill.
In 1974, this moved to a building next to the former St John the Evangelist's Church on Carlton Hill.