Carol Vogel, in her article "America the Valuable," quotes one expert who believes that American furniture's skyrocketing appeal is based partly on its lack of flash.
Carol Vogel, a member of the cable access producers association, said that with that amount of money, the station should provide producers with better video and editing equipment.
Their teacher, Carol Vogel, said the exercise was not merely fun and games but also a way to give her students physical activity.
Not one can be seen in the bathrooms pictured in Carol Vogel's article "Bathing Beauties" (Design, April 21).
Carol Vogel of The New York Times described the work as a "humorous interpretation".
LEAD: Carol Vogel spotted the unusual in wedding gifts in her article "The Gifted"; however, she did miss one.
Carol Vogel Although blockbusters tend to get all the attention, these days visitors are more likely to find smaller, carefully focused exhibitions.
Tune in to Carol Vogel s coverage when the paddles go up.
(Carol Vogel) 'Replanting the Community Garden' Organized by the artist Michael Tong, this show consists of two environmental pieces.
Cadillac Man plans to move into an apartment with the new woman in his life, a computer researcher from Astoria named Carol Vogel.