But the only offer she accepted was a scholarship from the Caron Foundation, an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility in Wernersville, Pa.
"I realize I'm lucky," she said by telephone from the Caron Foundation.
Check the Web site for Road Recovery, which sponsors the band Keeping it Real, with the Caron Foundation.
"The Caron Foundation saved my life," Ms. Minnelli said.
Tyler entered a drug rehabilitation program at the Caron Foundation in Pennsylvania that was extremely successful for him.
Queler had previously owned a women's halfway house, and opened Orchid with the help of investors including the Caron Foundation.
The executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity, had arranged for the treatment himself at the Caron Foundation, a rehabilitation center in Wernersville, Pa.
Duffy is the co-founder of Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers and is past chairman of the board of directors of the Caron Foundation.
Duffy is Chairman Emeritus of the Caron Foundation.
The southern most peaks were at one time home to many exclusive sanitariums and resorts, now all defunct except for the Caron Foundation.