He brought art into the Harvard curriculum through his avid support for the Carpenter Center.
The exhibition was revived at Harvard University's Carpenter Center for the Arts in 2009.
What the Fogg received from the Carpenter Center were four collections, each with a different focus and flavor.
He continues to make concert appearances, including fund raising efforts for the Carpenter Center.
And we head to the Harvard Film Archive's Carpenter Center" - pictured - "for '70s and '80s experimental films.
The architect "never managed to build anything else in the U.S. so the Carpenter Center was very important to him," Mr. Huyghe said.
The exterior of the Carpenter Center presents itself very differently from different angles.
Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Le Corbusier's sole other building in the Americas.
In the Carpenter Center the Modulor system was used for the brise-soleil distances, the floor to floor heights, the bay distances and the column thicknesses.
Le Corbusier's only building in North America, the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard, turned 40 last year.
He brought art into the Harvard curriculum through his avid support for the Carpenter Center.
The exhibition was revived at Harvard University's Carpenter Center for the Arts in 2009.
What the Fogg received from the Carpenter Center were four collections, each with a different focus and flavor.
He continues to make concert appearances, including fund raising efforts for the Carpenter Center.
And we head to the Harvard Film Archive's Carpenter Center" - pictured - "for '70s and '80s experimental films.
The architect "never managed to build anything else in the U.S. so the Carpenter Center was very important to him," Mr. Huyghe said.
The exterior of the Carpenter Center presents itself very differently from different angles.
Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Le Corbusier's sole other building in the Americas.
In the Carpenter Center the Modulor system was used for the brise-soleil distances, the floor to floor heights, the bay distances and the column thicknesses.
Le Corbusier's only building in North America, the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard, turned 40 last year.