Carrie Buck was the most widely known white victim of Virginia's eugenics laws.
Carrie Buck went on to marry William Eagle.
Carrie Buck was operated upon, receiving a compulsory salpingectomy (a form of tubal ligation).
As measured by an intelligence test, Carrie Buck and her mother were considered "feebleminded," a trait that was associated with "moral degeneracy."
In 1933, he wrote to Bell, asking for photographs of Carrie Buck and her mother and daughter for his archive.
Thus, it was in the state's best interest to have Carrie Buck sterilized.
Lombardo eventually found Carrie Buck and was able to interview her shortly before her death.
Lombardo has alleged that several people had manufactured evidence to make the state's case against Carrie Buck, and that Buck was actually of normal intelligence.
A historical marker was erected on May 2, 2002, in Charlottesville, Virginia, where Carrie Buck was born.
Five months after the court confirmed the law, Carrie Buck was sterilized.