After a couple of successful years in California, Carter moved his home base back to Oklahoma.
Carter moved to Memphis to live with her mother, Cathy, after graduating from high school.
After Lawler separated from his wife, Carter moved in with him.
Carter moved toward a chair, thought better of it, and remained standing in the middle of the room.
Carter moved to Memphis, and worked outside the music industry in the 1940s.
Carter moved across the room to examine the cases at closer range.
Carter stopped pacing and moved over to his chair.
Carter moved to Chicago where he served four consecutive terms as mayor (1879-1887) and was re-elected for a fifth term in 1893.
Although they lost the 2003 and 2004 finals, in 2005 Carter had moved to first five-eighth.
That is why Carter will move back to Holik's right.