He was confident that no harm would befall the man whom he was protecting while Carter was traveling by train.
Carter travelled to Sarajevo in the winter of 1993 to offer humanitarian aid and quickly found himself in the heart of the conflict.
In early 1893, Carter travelled to various parts of Yorubaland, travelling with soldiers, in an attempt to show the power of the British.
Carter travels with them to Sanford's beach house, where he and Julia eventually become lovers.
Despite his catching prowess, Carter traveled a tortuous path to the Hall of Fame.
40 Carter would travel to Norway to accept the award in December 2002 - two months after Congress had authorized war against Iraq.
After the death of his mother, Carter traveled all over the world with his father and was very close to him.
Carter has traveled all over the country speaking about his life and book.
He encourages Carter to travel with him to the location of one such portal, an ancient graveyard near Big Cypress Swamp.
Between the ages of 16 and 19, Carter traveled around Atlanta to hustle games.