"And then we combined the suede with the smell of Casablanca lilies and we had the scent."
The camellia, hellebores, boxwood and euphorbia would be winter highlights; the edgeworthias' tropical foliage would add drama from spring through fall; in summer the scent of white Casablanca lilies would waft over the garden.
She fills in the gaps with ostrich ferns and tall Casablanca lilies, a few hydrangeas, blue-green melianthus and even a showy hibiscus, like Blue River II.
Sarah later makes several expensive demands of Ellie (including 100 dozen Casablanca lilies, a wedding cake flown in from Paris, and reserving a private island for the ceremony), worrying Chuck about the wedding's expenses.
His signature flower is the Casablanca lily.
Right now the gardens are swimming in larkspur, hydrangeas, roses, Casablanca lilies, sages and yarrows.
The sculpture platform of Space No. 2, sometimes holding only a vase of white Casablanca lilies, separates it from Space No. 1.
As soon as I rang off I ordered tons of flowers, baskets and baskets of Casablanca lilies and marguerites and zinnias and everything I could think of.
The scent garden will have spicy Casablanca lilies, miniature roses and delicate dwarf lilac.
So are flats of tulips or lilies of the valley or an armload of Casablanca lilies.