The only significant revision came in the Casey decision (1992), which made viability even more important.
The Casey decision effectively left the decision of whether to have an abortion entirely up to the woman.
As it turned out in the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision, it was that new generation of justices who made the right secure.
The Casey decision reaffirmed Pennsylvania's right to require that girls under 18 get a parent's consent, or approval from a judge, before getting an abortion.
What this ignores is that the Casey decision, far from leaving reproductive freedom intact, deeply eroded the protection women enjoyed from 1973 until the recent past.
A 5-to-4 majority invoked stare decisis in the Casey decision.
The Casey decision was a turning point in the abortion struggle, when the court chose to reaffirm abortion rights after years of uncertainty.
Under the Casey decision, this was deemed "an acceptable burden" for the woman.
"It was reaffirmed in the face of a challenge that it should be overruled in the Casey decision."
Honaker was not involved in drafting the initiative because he maintained that the Casey decision had rendered the measure moot.