Maybe the time has come for casual Fridays every day in our hospitals.
Casual Fridays started simply as a way of giving employees a head start on the weekend.
I've seen guys come in here on casual Fridays, and they look awful.
As if casual Fridays and "creative black tie" weren't bad enough.
This was the subtle message of casual fridays: we're all pals.
Even on so-called casual Fridays, there are limits to what is acceptable for anyone who wants to be taken seriously.
Maybe nowhere is, in the aftermath of casual Fridays.
Better to cut most employees loose, they figure, than to watch casual Fridays turn into unscheduled holidays.
Evidently, the idea of Casual Fridays was too modest a proposal.
If the incoming manager eliminates casual Fridays, it is not a good idea to complain loudly.