It is expected to draw crowds in excess of the 25,000 cat fanciers who came last year.
While most cat fanciers love the flat faced Persian, this brings along many illnesses.
That leaves the rest of the cat fanciers sharing their space with cats of mixed heritage.
The Cat Fanciers' Association has a full list of plants harmful to cats.
Allen Scruggs, the show chairman, described the cat fanciers' group as "a very old and very conservative organization."
Got a whole list of registered breeders here on the Cat Fanciers' Association site.
They also had no success finding a Chinese lop-eared cat for cat fanciers in the West.
This was perpetuated through the 19th and early 20th centuries, especially by cat fanciers looking for new and exotic cats to import.
She has also made tongue-in-cheek comparisons of bisexuals to cat fanciers and devil worshippers.
For example, the Cat Fancier's Association only recognises the first four colours below.