Many Basque and Catalan nationalists demand statehood for their respective territories.
In 1938 -Catalan nationalists started negotiating separately with the Nationalists.
Catalan nationalists will tell you it was all part of a Francoist plot to undermine the Catalan identity.
In 1915, the Associació Cultural Lleidatana was founded by Catalan nationalists.
Opposition to the system came from republicans, socialists, anarchists, Basque and Catalan nationalists, and Carlists.
Nowadays, the term is used by Catalan nationalists to refer pejoratively to unionists.
But some Catalan nationalists wanted more.
Wilfred the Hairy has become a figure of importance for contemporary Catalan nationalists.
Yes the Tàpies comment is a corker, unless it was deliberately targeted at Catalan nationalists!
A coalition, in contrast, might be more stable, but it could force him to accept demands for greater regional autonomy by, say, Catalan or Basque nationalists.