He made a manuscript catalogue in which he marked with a star those works which were not in the Bodleian.
Between 1660 and 1664 Barlow offered the tracts, together with two copies of a manuscript catalogue to the university for £4000 but the sale was not agreed.
Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum, New Series, vol.
He left a manuscript catalogue.
'Catalogue of Manuscripts at Lambeth Palace,' 1812, one hundred copies for private circulation.
John Egerton, 2nd Earl of Bridgewater also added to the library, and is said to have compiled a manuscript catalogue to it.
A manuscript catalogue compiled by Edward Capell, one of Garrick's closest friends, does still survive.
A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the College of Arms Collections.
Catalogue of Manuscripts in The British Museum, New Series, 1 vol.
A few years ago, under the empire, M. Louis Lacour found a manuscript catalogue of the books in the Queen's boudoir.