On April 7, 2011, scarcely hours after Cathie Black resigned as Chancellor, Steiner announced that he was to resign his own position.
The current chancellor is Dennis M. Walcott, who replaced Cathie Black after she stepped down after fewer than one hundred days on the job.
He succeeded Cathie Black, who resigned in April 2011 after only three months on the job.
The appointment was part of a compromise after Mayor Michael Bloomberg nominated a business executive with almost no educational experience, Cathie Black, as chancellor in 2010.
He was succeeded by Cathie Black in January 2011.
He was replaced by Cathie Black, chairman of Hearst Magazines and former president of USA Today, on January 1, 2011.
Like Joel Klein and Cathie Black, Walcott needed a waiver by the state education commissioner before assuming the position.
In November 2010, Cathie Black was named as the first female Chancellor by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
That's a business decision that Cathie Black has to make.
Reward: A meeting with Cathie Black, Chairman of Hearst Magazines and New York's recently appointed School's Chancellor.