He entered the priesthood and vigorously championed the Catholic cause in speech and writing.
Fawkes spent ten years fighting for the Spanish Catholic cause as a soldier.
Byrd's commitment to the Catholic cause found expression in his motets, of which he composed about 50 between 1575 and 1591.
Yet the Catholic cause advanced slowly, and, when Grattan died in 1820, emancipation had not come.
Baltinglass's championing of the Catholic cause gave the revolt the extra dimension which the government so feared.
However, from the beginning, he seems to have been supported by those who support the Catholic cause.
Barrière however had been condemned in 1592 as a traitor to the Catholic cause, deposed, and reduced to lay communion.
The foundation has donated more than $100 million to educational, medical and other Catholic causes.
Clark was a leading fund-raiser for Catholic causes.
Built by my grandfather, for those were troubled times and he favoured the Catholic cause.