The two Catholic churchmen walked to Yu's door, carrying a large package, Wise noted.
Tradition states that he and other Catholic churchmen (such as Gaudiosus of Naples) were loaded onto leaky ships.
So, on one side, the book was a Catholic churchman proclaiming the cross of Christ in a way more common among Protestants.
Others seem intrigued, as if this Roman Catholic churchman was somehow familiar.
The Orthodox prelate's position contrasts strikingly with that of some Roman Catholic churchmen.
These connections included Catholic churchmen, such as Daniel Huet and Richard Simon.
Cardinal George's view is what one would expect from a traditional Catholic churchman, celebrating a holy woman for her fidelity to the church.
With the blessing of both Mr Walesa and senior Catholic churchmen, he is already working to set up an avowedly Christian party.
The participants were nine leading Catholic churchmen, including five bishops, and nine prominent Protestant reformers of the Church of England.
- died 1579 or 1580, Fleet Prison) was an English Roman Catholic churchman and academic.