A Democrat, Mr. Michaels represented a largely rural, mostly conservative and heavily Roman Catholic constituency in the Finger Lakes region of west-central New York.
Mr. Bush was determined to muffle the outcry before crucial primaries in New York, California, Illinois and other states with large Catholic constituencies.
With the end of the war, a growing cynicism among his traditional Catholic Irish American constituency, and a loss of Yankee electoral support, Curley's electoral chances fell.
To institutions like the Modern, the scenario was this: the Mayor would win points with the conservative Roman Catholic constituency that he wanted for his Senate campaign.
At several encounters with Catholic constituencies, including educators and health officials, he has been as polite and reserved as his audience.
In addition, the success of health-care reform ultimately depends on the coöperation of Democrats from districts with strong Catholic constituencies.
His conservative opponents launched many attacks against his personality, ridiculing his idealism and exploiting his Protestant faith in an overwhelmingly and devoutly Roman Catholic constituency.
His support of vouchers stems from his previous experience as Mayor of Cleveland, where he was particularly popular with an urban Catholic constituency.
This was unusual for a Protestant in a Catholic constituency, and is a measure of the popular esteem Martin was held in.