His conversion created a sensation and was the reference point of the Brazilian Catholic laity.
St. Vincent Pallotti was a Roman priest who, early in the 19th century, established a program of ongoing evangelization and catechesis for Catholic laity.
His role led to the unofficial title "head of the Irish Catholic laity".
More recently the Catholic laity have realized that priests can also violate their vows of celibacy and even be sexual predators.
There have been several organizations composed of Catholic laity and clergy which have advocated positions both supporting evolution and opposed to evolution.
The good that has come out of this is that many Catholic laity have begun to speak out.
But some also questioned his belief that Catholic laity, even if dissatisfied, were voting with their contributions.
It exists primarily to promote and coordinate the work of translating, producing, and disseminating Bibles among Catholic laity for devotional purposes.
Zahm was active in the Catholic Summer School movement, which introduced Catholic laity to contemporary intellectual issues.
The edict of the Toulouse Synod (1229) prohibited Catholic laity from possessing copies of the Bible.