Over time, St. Cornelius seems to have been overlooked and passed over for other great Catholic popes whose papacies lasted longer, had more political power, and influenced other cultures.
In 2000, he became the first modern Catholic pope to visit Egypt, and met with the Coptic Pope, and the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria.
I don't like it, but he's the closest thing there is to a Catholic pope now days.
Pope Marcellus may refer to two Roman Catholic popes:
This here Catholic pope has a first cousin kind of like the Brokemichaels in a way, except they don't have the same names but they look alike.
The trip will be the first state visit by a Catholic pope to Israel, which established diplomatic relations with the Vatican just six years ago.
Jeffrey Richards observes that "it is a remarkable state of affairs when an Arian king has for whatever reason to choose a Catholic pope."
Thus the orthodox Catholic pope was sent to urge the restoration of churches to heretics.
He was the first Catholic pope to visit and pray in an Islamic mosque, in Damascus, Syria, in 2001.
On 6 May 2001, Pope John Paul II became the first Catholic pope to enter and pray in a mosque.