He supported "press apostolate" by distributing Catholic daily press and a church bulletin.
It would be republished by an underground Catholic press of Caen in 1598.
She was associated with the Czartak literary group, and wrote mainly for the Catholic press.
All through his literary career, Galdós incurred the wrath of the Catholic press.
The action received mixed reviews in the Catholic press.
The Catholic press was then made incapable of responding to arguments against the Church in the secular press.
Because the Catholic press has been confiscated and outlawed, there is no way to reach the faithful by that way either.
From the 1880s there were calls in the Catholic press for Jews to be boycotted.
He said that there was a need for such a paper because of the narrowing of opinions available in the official Catholic press.
The Catholic press opposed her work, but the school was a success.