Between the 13th and 16th centuries the country's Moorish and Catholic rulers transformed this hilltop into an extravagant statement of power.
There are also Holy Orders available for Catholic rulers: the Templar Knights, the Hospitallers and the Teutonic Knights.
In-game, implementing the decision of healing the schism automatically converts various Catholic rulers into Orthodox and downgrades the entire Catholic religion into an Orthodox heresy.
By the next generation a new, zealously Catholic, ruler was arresting and imprisoning Jews for no crime, raiding their houses, seizing their cash, and removing their religious books.
The work ends with a Catholic ruler who re-establishes Lehnin as a monastery and is also made to restore the union of the Holy Roman Empire.
Their faith dates to 1596, when many Orthodox leaders in the region, pressured by their Polish Catholic rulers, pledged allegiance to the Vatican but kept the Eastern rites.
The Hanau people did not want to have a Catholic ruler.
Given his remarks about Danton, clearly he wouldn't be in sympathy with a Catholic ruler.
The Counter-Reformation increased tensions among Christians; dissidents to the Papacy were targeted by various Catholic absolute rulers.
The claim was contested by both Catholic and Protestant rulers, as part of the ongoing discussion of the demarcation of spiritual and temporal authority.