Even the Catholic states, after the beginning of the sixteenth century, advanced far in the way of frequent ruptures with the Church.
Unionists feared a loss of political power and economic wealth in a predominantly rural, nationalist, Catholic home-rule state.
He also rejected the idea that Ireland was a Catholic state.
"Muslims," she added, "should know when they come here that this is a Catholic state."
Some elected to remain here upon completing the program and, in a predominantly Catholic state short of priests, went to work for the Archdiocese.
Irish Catholics made careers for themselves in the armies of many Catholic European states.
Some felt unwelcome in a predominantly Catholic and irridentist nationalist state.
He outlined justifications for an attack on the Catholic states and other measures to be taken.
It was founded as an instrument of forming a new leadership class for a future Catholic state.
I know that it is forbidden in all Catholic states on pain of death.