The 607th recon platoons continued to maintain contact with units of the 106th Cavalry Group on the division's right flank.
A was attached to the 6th Cavalry Group and joined them at Huhlbach.
Meanwhile the Japanese had been making efforts to relieve the beleaguered Cavalry Group.
The 106th continued to patrol until 11 February 1945, when it was relieved by the 101st Cavalry Group.
After just over a month's break, the 106th Cavalry Group returned to the front lines.
During the next two days, the 106th Cavalry Group fought its final major engagement.
To the north the Cavalry Group depicts a color squad consisting of seven cavalrymen charging into battle.
The 104th Cavalry Group was not sent overseas.
This was the first of the Cavalry Groups formed during the war.
During the war in Europe, the 38th was attached to the 102th Cavalry Group (Mechanized).