Baseball fans already have to try to enjoy the national pastime at places with names like Cellular One Field.
They changed their evening game times at U.S. Cellular Field.
There were home runs last night at U.S. Cellular Field.
U.S. Cellular Field has an unfortunate place in history.
They play on the City's south side at U.S. Cellular Field.
The final game between the teams is Sunday at U.S. Cellular Field.
This was the first no-hitter for a visiting team at U.S. Cellular Field.
U.S. Cellular Field is a baseball park in Chicago, Illinois.
U.S. Cellular Field, where Game 2 of the World Series will be played tonight, is similar in many ways.
U.S. Cellular Field will take its place alongside all of those other new-name parks that give fans no idea of who plays in them.