And the beat of the Celtic Sea, the heart that pulsed day and night, spread to the horizon.
The Celtic Sea is to the west of the Channel.
There are no land features to divide the Celtic Sea from the open Atlantic Ocean to the south and west.
Oil and gas exploration in the Celtic Sea has had limited commercial success.
To the north is the Celtic Sea, and to the south the English Channel.
She stared out the front windows of their little stone house at the enormous white caps forming on the ever-darkening Celtic Sea.
The course extends to the Celtic Sea, and some of the tee-off areas are near the perimeter, which is a 300-foot cliff.
In the Celtic Sea the plaice species is considered overfished.
These should not to be confused with the Celtic Sea which is further south.
Three tugs were summoned to collect the containers drifting around the Celtic Sea.