Many objects of a distinctively Celtic form from the first millennium, such as bell or book shrine reliquaries, were renovated or repaired in the contemporary style.
They have unusual corner chimneys and panels of carved ornament of almost Celtic form, designed by Hubert, Pirrson & Company.
Paddy is the diminutive of Padraig, the Celtic form of Patrick.
Tübingen Some have seen this toponym as a hybrid form comprising a Celtic form and a Germanic suffix -ingen.
Celtic names are sometimes anglicised versions of Celtic forms, but the original form may also be used.
(Hamish is the Celtic form, James the English form - which was also his given name, and Jamie the diminutive form).
Essentially Miss de Mille has composed a suite of dances, all based on Irish step dancing and other Celtic forms.
A peculiarly Celtic form of depression, marked by a deep, tormented longing for some unobtainable thing; also and in particular, homesickness to the third power.
The image in the infobox at top right shows the 7 knot in Celtic artistic form, also found in some Hausa embroideries.
An old Celtic form of chess.