Appointment of observer status for the Central European Initiative (as proposed by Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine).
In January 2010 he was appointed Secretary-General of the Central European Initiative in Trieste.
All four Visegrád members are also member of the Central European Initiative.
UNWE is a leading and coordinating university for Bulgaria in the Central European Initiative for university networking.
Their largest attacks were the bombings of the offices of the Federal Trade Institute and the Central European Initiative in Rome in 2000.
He is member of the parliamentary delegation of the Central European Initiative and President of its Cultural Commission.
Central European Initiative (CEI)
Trieste hosts the Secretariat of the Central European Initiative, an intergovernmental organization among Central and South-Eastern European states.
In 1996-2000, Coşea represented the Parliament of Romania to the Central European Initiative.
Both countries are full members of the Central European Initiative and of the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative.