Both performed with the Chamber Music Society this season.
This is the first of a series of children's concerts put on by the Chamber Music Society.
His involvement with the Chamber Music Society predated the society's birth in 1968.
These performances represented the Chamber Music Society's contribution to the event.
Chamber Music Society, (212) 875-5788,, $28 to $50.
Sydney was a great friend to the Chamber Music Society and will be deeply missed by all.
The Chamber Music Society's opening concert this season came mostly from the recording.
The Chamber Music Society is not the only organization facing such problems, although its audience seems older than most.
And yesterday the Chamber Music Society announced that the couple were also going to be its new artistic directors.
Chamber Music Society was the best-selling contemporary jazz album of 2011.
Both performed with the Chamber Music Society this season.
This is the first of a series of children's concerts put on by the Chamber Music Society.
His involvement with the Chamber Music Society predated the society's birth in 1968.
These performances represented the Chamber Music Society's contribution to the event.
Chamber Music Society, (212) 875-5788,, $28 to $50.
Sydney was a great friend to the Chamber Music Society and will be deeply missed by all.
The Chamber Music Society's opening concert this season came mostly from the recording.
The Chamber Music Society is not the only organization facing such problems, although its audience seems older than most.
And yesterday the Chamber Music Society announced that the couple were also going to be its new artistic directors.
Chamber Music Society was the best-selling contemporary jazz album of 2011.