Chapter (6:9) of Mahabharata mentions about the kingdoms and provinces of ancient India (Bharata Varsha).
Chapter 1 has already mentioned the impetus given to the debate by Jim Callaghan's Ruskin speech, and discussed some of the factors which led to accountability pressures.
(Chapter 1 has already mentioned the classic case of California State being held accountable for not ensuring a minimum achievement for an individual student.)
Chapter 22 This intense cold lasted till the 15th of August, without, however, passing the degree of Fahrenheit already mentioned.
Chapter 7 of Roberto Bolaño's Distant Star also mentions it.
Chapter 62 of The Caliphate by William Muir, mentioning Khalid.
Chapter 748 involves no public aid to private schools and does not mention religion.
Chapter 1 mentioned Gramsci's notion that philosophy becomes sedimented in common sense.
Chapter 12 mentions the guest star, not its appearance but rather the moment of its disappearance.
Chapter 1 of Vishnupurana mentions that Brahma created Daksha out of his thumb.