This is all strange nonsense, using pictures of the late Chechen president and unrelated external links, with other strange names spliced in.
There was no word today from Mr. Dudayev, the Chechen president, who was last reported to be in a bunker beneath his presidential palace.
A court rejected an appeal by two Russian intelligence officers convicted of planning the murder of a former Chechen president earlier this year.
First, they killed the Chechen president, Akhmad Kadyrov, with a bomb.
The Chechen president rejected such speculation.
An election is set for Sunday to replace the former Chechen president, Akhmad Kadyrov, who was killed by a bomb in May.
Mr. Abdulhadzhiyev had already made clear he would not permit Russia to bypass the Chechen president and deal directly with commanders.
"The war has begun," the Chechen president, Aslan Maskhadov, declared to foreign journalists.
A special election is scheduled for this weekend to replace the former Chechen president, Akhmad Kadyrov, who was assassinated in the spring.
The Russians are trying to extradite Ahmed Zakayev, the envoy of the Chechen president.