With the Basayev killing, the Chechen resistance has suffered an indisputable blow.
But for all their tanks, planes and heavy artillery, the ill-prepared soldiers have not succeeded in defeating the Chechen resistance.
As the Chechen resistance fell low on ammunition, food, and water, resistance proved ever more difficult for them.
But the ill-prepared military operation was met with stiff Chechen resistance.
Chechen resistance is now concentrated in the mountains in the south, where weakened fighters plan a guerrilla campaign.
Moscow's brutal military campaign succeeded only in hardening the Chechen resistance.
Fortunately, with the nature of the Chechen resistance, that is unlikely.
The Chechen resistance had something resembling a high command but they were in the hills nearer to Grozny.
Former Soviet lieutenant went over to the Chechen resistance quite a ways back.
Chechen resistance to the Russian conquest of the Caucasus, beginning in the 19th century, was prolonged and bloody.