On the other hand, he has totally eliminated what many might regard as one of the key elements of any Chekhov play, the samovar.
He made it sound like the final curtain to a Chekhov play.
The Chekhov plays are not snippets of lives.
The screenplay is a pale update of the Chekhov play.
During the summer scenes from Chekhov plays are presented on the porch of the main house, for an audience seated in the garden.
William Hurt called from a movie set in Australia to discuss the Chekhov play.
William Hurt plays the title role in the Chekhov play.
The man's death wish got him offed from baseball, turning the Yankees into something out of a Chekhov play.
"I'm trying not to fall into the trap of doing it as a Chekhov play," he continues.
It was like being in a Chekhov play.