Lisa Cotoggio, the event planner for Chelsea Street, said the club has always done a Wednesday corporate happy hour.
It's also a way for Chelsea Street to attract customers.
The square consists of the area surrounding the intersection of Bennington Street and Chelsea Street.
So when she took him to the place in Chelsea, on West 21st Street, he was pleasantly surprised.
Oh yes, at Chelsea Street.
NOTE: 1 Chelsea Street (88,000 sq.ft.) opened in 2009.
Then she was off to Chelsea Street, a club in East Meadow, to promote her shows on stage.
Their numbers hurting, two East Meadow clubs, Zachary's and Chelsea Street, targeted an older crowd.
The bridge formerly carried the southernmost stretch of Massachusetts Route 99, which now ends at Chelsea Street in Charlestown.
Eastern Heights boundaries are roughly 40th Street to the west, Chelsea Street to the north, and Lake Avenue to the south and east.