Its annual Cherry Blossom Festival, April 16 to 25, attracts up to 10,000 people a day.
This city is always in a tizzy this time of year, planning for the Cherry Blossom Festival.
During the Cherry Blossom Festival, there were many food, trinket, and game stalls.
The Cherry Blossom Festival attracts approximately 10,000 visitors each April.
The Cherry Blossom Festival takes place over the course of two weekends.
Since 1976, the park has held a Cherry Blossom Festival.
The Cherry Blossom Festival is April 13, 14, 20 and 21.
The first "Cherry Blossom Festival" was held in 1935 under joint sponsorship by numerous civic groups, becoming an annual event.
The annual Cherry Blossom Festival, with art workshops and performances.
The first Cherry Blossom Festival was held in 1918.