Word of the women's raid quickly spread from this remote village to London, where Chevron executives cut short a management meeting to rush to Nigeria.
Although originally designed for kids, Chevron executives were surprised that adults started collecting the toy plastic cars too.
Chevron executives voiced confidence that Kazakhstan would guarantee the agreement even though this new country is just now enacting a constitution.
One retired senior Chevron executive recalled that during his management years he was paired with a Texaco counterpart on a joint venture.
The retired Chevron executive, who did not want to be identified, said he thought that in the long run, moving slowly and defensively had cost Texaco business.
Chevron executives argued that they did not hire Mario Echazabal out of concern for his health.
Chevron executives said the company would probably take its case to the courts if the commission denies its appeal.
Mr. Bonney will turn 65, the mandatory retirement age for senior Chevron executives, in December.
Four Chevron executives were among the 44 people killed in the crash of a commuter jet on Monday.
Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, is a former Chevron executive.