But if Tuscany seems never to alter, the same cannot be said of one of its more illustrious achievements, Chianti wine.
By the 1970s, the consumer market for Chianti wines was suffering and the wines were widely perceived to be lacking quality.
Superiore is a specification for wines produced with a stricter rule of production than other Chianti wines.
He is fully quoted in the Dictionary on Chianti wines and different methods of cultivation.
As with red Chianti wine, several village are permitted to add their names on the wine label as sub-zones.
In the 20th century the economy was based on the trade in Chianti wine and active industrialisation.
The wines, all of them red, tasted vaguely like sangiovese, the principal grape in Chianti wine.
The Americans were familiar with sangiovese and with canaiolo, the other important grape used in Chianti wine.
The warriors have long gone but the castles, churches and hill towns remain, set in hills which produce the Chianti wines.
In the region's inland areas cereals, potatoes, olives and grapes (for the world-famous Chianti wines) are grown.