This is the grimy brand, to compete with the opposite types on "Chicago Hope."
"Chicago Hope," which had averaged 9.9 million viewers last season, grew to more than 13 million.
I'll have to tape "Chicago Hope" and watch it when I get home.
The most intriguing part of tonight's "Chicago Hope" takes a similar approach to doctors, revealing some nasty professional secrets.
The drama "Chicago Hope" turned in a strong rating as well, a 12.6, for its season premiere.
Seasonal rankings (based on average total viewers per episode) of Chicago Hope.
Chicago Hope aired for six straight seasons and 141 episodes.
The hospital system is nothing at all like the warm and fuzzy world on "Chicago Hope."
Since Chicago Hope, Patinkin has appeared in a number of films.
"Chicago Hope" also touches on the larger problems facing hospitals today, not least the obsession of glorified accountants with the bottom line.