The strikers held the railroads and city for about a week, without the violence that took place in Chicago and other cities.
That argument makes it similar to cases brought by Chicago and other cities.
To help allay those fears, Chicago and other big cities have increased the presence and visibility of police downtown.
In Chicago and most other cities, records of police brutality complaints go back only to the early 1970's.
Palatine was made in 1866, close to a train station that went to Chicago and other cities.
Ms. Price, who will also take her reading to grade schools in Chicago and other cities, has a natural empathy for children from underprivileged backgrounds.
"Chicago and other cities are doing much more," Mr. Beal said.
The weather also delayed bus departures from Chicago and other cities throughout the region.
Young women in Chicago and other cities had more chances for education through high school and college.
In the later 19th century, it became a popular vacation resort, especially for people from Chicago and other cities during the summers.