However, since 1972, all Chiefs of Defence have retired only after fulfilling the statutory retirement age of 63.
The Chief retired from the NY Rangers in 1995 after the Rangers won the Stanley Cup.
Just four days earlier, the Chief of Department, Robert Johnston, had retired.
The Chiefs also retired his uniform number 86.
In honor of his outstanding service to CONTROL, the Chief retires Fang to a desk job, burying evidence.
After Lanier's retirement, the Chiefs retired both Lanier's and Bell's numbers.
The Chief of Staff himself resigned from his post in January 2007 and his deputy Kaplinsky retired from the army in late 2007.
The Chiefs retired his uniform number 78.
The Chiefs have retired jersey number 3 in his honor.
After almost thirty-eight years in the Fire Service, Chief of Department Claude Harris retired, effective December 31, 1996.