After a few days, the heat and silence of the Chihuahua Desert seemed to distill out of us all of our old habits and future concerns.
The Bolsón is the southernmost extension of the Chihuahua Desert.
Peering out at the scrub and dry creek beds of the forbidding Chihuahua Desert, she says, "I've seen deer and hunters - it's nice to see America."
Elevation moderates the high summer temperatures of the surrounding Chihuahua Desert.
It is also known as the Chihuahua Desert horned lizard.
They are found in a wide variety of habitats, from open grassland to rocky canyon lands of the Chihuahua Desert.
Geographically, it is found in the middle of the Chihuahua Desert.
La Junta is near the center of the Chihuahua Desert and receives an average of 10.8 inches (270 mm) of precipitation annually.
The Sierra del Carmen is an isolated range, a sky island, that rises above the Chihuahua Desert.
Inside this Chinese wall in the Chihuahua Desert, a thorny field of 80-foot-high basalt spikes would warn away the curious.