Gustavo Becerra-Schmidt (August 26, 1925 - January 3, 2010) was a Chilean composer.
Becerra was the most prolific Chilean composer.
Mapuche musical instruments, though primitive in form, have influenced a number of contemporary Chilean composers.
Of particular interest were the five works by Chilean composers.
René Amengual Astaburuaga (1911-1954) was a Chilean composer, educator and pianist.
Chañaral Ortega-Miranda (born 1973) is a Chilean composer of classical music.
Fernando García (born in Santiago, Chile on July 4, 1930) is a Chilean composer.
He has been one of the foremost Chilean composers and one of the most widely known of the musicians from that country around the world.
Sergio Ortega (February 2, 1938 - September 15, 2003) was a Chilean composer and pianist.
February 11 - Alfonso Leng, Chilean composer (d. 1974)