In March 2005, the Chilean minister of foreign affairs Ignacio Walker made an official visit to Israel.
On Sept. 29, Mr. Kissinger received the Chilean foreign minister, Patricio Carvajal.
But at a news conference, the Chilean foreign minister, Ignacio Walker, said the Fujimori case was a purely legal matter, not an affair of state.
Chilean minister Diego Portales perceived the confederation as a threat to Chilean interest and the balance of power in the region.
The genus is named for Sylvestris Ochagavia, Chilean minister of education.
It said the Spanish and Chilean foreign ministers will meet for talks in New York this week.
Promoted to Rear-admiral, in 1884 he was designated as Chilean plenipotenciary minister (ambassador) to Madrid.
The Chilean interior minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, declared the Pakistani student a "terrorist" before the investigations concluded.
Diego Portales Palazuelos, a Chilean minister and statesman.
He said the Chilean foreign minister, Juan Valdes, had asked him to pursue the case under Chilean law.