A1 Mourners may have returned fire at the men who shot at them during a funeral for a member of a Chinatown gang.
The police say the bullet was fired during a dispute of a Chinatown gang.
The Wah Ching was the only surviving Chinatown gang during the 1980s.
She was apparently caught in the crossfire of a Chinatown gang.
The gangs did not threaten residents in the general communities where they operated, as Chinatown gangs did during a crime wave a decade ago.
Gang rivalry among Chinatown gangs has sometimes have a high profile.
He did not pay protection money to any Chinatown gangs.
Though Chinese smugglers dominate the city's heroin market, Chinatown gangs frown upon the use of drugs by their members, police officials said.
Vietnamese refugees like Mr. Hung began appearing in Chinatown gangs about three years ago, law-enforcement officials have said.
Law-enforcement officials said the Ghost Shadows, one of the traditional Chinatown gangs, supplied the necessary force to keep the illegal gambling operation running smoothly.