He was born in Toronto and raised in the Chinatown section of New York City.
He was raised in Vancouver's Chinatown section.
The series begins when Caine comes to the city's Chinatown section, where Peter's precinct is, and they are reunited after being separated for 15 years.
But the Chinatown section of that classic offers nothing to explain the laughing man.
The ancient Chinese game, pronounced pie gow, was once popular only in underground clubs in the Chinatown section here.
Ms. Lin discussed her work recently at her studio in the Chinatown section of Manhattan.
The measures included changing the colors of vending machines in the Chinatown section of Manhattan from blue, their standard color, to red.
There was considerable support for a downtown ball park from business and labor and the city at large, but residents of the city's Chinatown section protested.
He came here at the age of 9 and grew up in the Chinatown section of Manhattan.
The fire got out of control and destroyed a large portion of the city at its Chinatown section, leaving 6,000 people homeless.