There is a story of one woman who would randomly charge through Chinese camps, screaming and slaying random men.
The platoon moved faster then, around the Chinese camp and on to the east.
Esen sent an advance force to cut access to water from a river south of the Chinese camp.
The meager rations in the Chinese camp had had their effects.
The Chinese camp was on the other side of town.
The gap where someone had worked to enlarge the opening was well concealed, just around the corner and out of sight of the Chinese camp.
The men find the Chinese camp at nightfall and locating their supply tent, come upon several dozen American dog tags and personal effects.
They enlist the participation of the Chinese camp through a meeting of emissaries.
It was explained to Golovin through the interpreter that he was being invited to spend the night in the Chinese camp.
The Chinese camp was in the area of today's Bowls Club as were the Chinese gardens.