"Chinese enterprises and corporations have not assisted Iraq in building the project of fiber optic cable for air defense."
Through enterprise, organization, and cooperation many Chinese became part of a prosperous, urban middle class that controlled retail trade.
It will expose Chinese enterprises and help them further develop, expand and improve.
"Asian crisis, corporate and financial restructuring, and transformation of traditional Chinese enterprises."
A3 Many Chinese enterprises will close, the Government announced in its crackdown on private business.
It was expected to target Chinese state-owned enterprises, particularly those run by the military, but spare the private sector.
Chinese enterprises, in some other circumstances, have been able to buy and sell foreign exchange through local banks since 1994.
This acquisition is the first case for a Chinese private enterprise to acquire a foreign commercial bank.
Highly publicized profiles of Chinese enterprise attracted great public interest and were used to illustrate the community's strong economic presence.
No one will be able to accept advantages being accorded to Chinese enterprises.