You were the KGB's inside man, the head of Chinese intelligence.
He also maintained that Chinese intelligence suffers from sloppiness and poor organization, but said some of the shortcomings are compensated by sheer volume.
The second book featured a woman who headed Chinese intelligence.
The head of Chinese intelligence was a short man with a pronounced belly.
He knows that they know much more than anyone about the penetration of the White House by Asian fronts for Chinese intelligence.
An investigation of his links to Chinese intelligence in 1991 was dropped for lack of evidence.
If Chinese intelligence is identified as a source of funds, then Judiciary must know it before making impeachment judgments.
And what's more, she had a $300,000 bank account with funds supplied by the head of Chinese intelligence, which is certainly quite special indeed.
How would he stand up to Chinese intelligence, if they asked any questions?
A 600-page investigative report on Chinese intelligence and their activities from the 1920s up to this day, especially the Guoanbu.