The two original Chinese maps portray Japan as a set of three islands that lie from east to west.
Then the project to combine it with Chinese and Japanese maps reportedly started in the summer (4th-6th months).
By 1959, however, Chinese maps were published showing large areas west and south of the Macdonald line in China.
In 1959 the Pakistani government became concerned over Chinese maps that showed areas the Pakistanis considered their own as part of China.
Chinese maps still show a single Korea, with its capital in the north.
It appears on Chinese maps dating back to 1687, under the name Pulo Cornam.
Still, every country is aware that official Chinese maps still show its national boundaries overlapping territorial waters claimed by others.
Popular Bookmall has English and Chinese maps in its travel section on the third floor.
The map was made by combining Korean and Chinese maps.
The road came on Chinese maps published in 1958.